It uses the past 300 commits of your github repository and gets source code statitics per commit, and then uses a proprietory formula to calcuate the risk score per file. Data for each file per commit is used to calculate a risk score such as:

number of commits in past 7 days
number of lines of code changes in past 7 days
number of commits in past 30 days
number of lines of code changes in past 30 days
number of commits total
number of lines of code changes total
commit message contains words that are scored (ie: fix, bug, etc)
number of unique users that committed in past 7 days
number of unique users that committed in past 30 days
number of unique users that committed total

The higher the score, the riskier it can contain defects. The calculation also normalizes values.

Find it on Github Marketplace

Simply enable this tool as an action in your github repository. The full list of results will be printed to the console log. Based on the results, you can assign resources to test specific areas of your code, or invest more time reviewing changes per risk file to ensure no defects exist. The action requires the repo name, user, and github api token as inputs to execute.

Analysis Complete. Results and risk scores for source files from highest to lowest risk:
SOURCE FILE: src/com/hourglasssoftware/bugpredictor/ RISK SCORE:2.806338028169014
SOURCE FILE: src/com/hourglasssoftware/bugpredictor/runner/ RISK SCORE:2.4836747759282973
SOURCE FILE: src/com/hourglasssoftware/bugpredictor/ RISK SCORE:2.422215108834827
SOURCE FILE: src/com/hourglasssoftware/bugpredictor/ RISK SCORE:2.2877720870678617